Friday, January 29, 2010

Over Two Years In The Making...

But still hundreds of hours from completion.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally got 130 DVDs burnt and shipped to our volunteer army of editors...

For HORSE's 12-track live performance DVD (part of the upcoming Earth Tour DVD set), we chose to crowd-source the editing, attempting to pair each editor with a song from their home country (12 unique countries are represented)... Organizing this process took a hell of a lot of work, but we have some very talented editors on board and I'm pretty excited to see what they'll come up with!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Which Means, Unfortunately,

That the Decentralized Community and Humanity projects must be put on hold.
Fortunately, these undertakings all share a common thread and a common end...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Looks Like I'm headed To Africa In Two Months Time...

In order to document HORSE the band's African tour and do some serious Adventuring!

Between now and then I have to finalize HORSE's 15-hour Earth Tour DVD and dynamically deliver at least five Decentralized Dance Parties- a monumental challenge, if ever there was one.

The next two months will consist of nothing else.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Is Partying?

After many years of partaking, and several spent pondering, I've managed collect and transcribe some of my thoughts on this very important matter.

The following is an excerpt from the Tom+Gary FAQ, located conveniently at

Is Partying Really Art?


Is The DDP Really High Art?


How So?

Not only a revolutionary affront to traditional perceptions and precepts, the DDP is also widely recognized as the ultimate interdisciplinary medium, creatively melding Music, Dance, Karaoke, Comedy, Chaos, Costumery, Adventure and Military Stratagem. Participants become performers and inhibitions are overwhelmed as we all rise together in a chaotic+joyful monument to the Human Spirit. Together, we awaken the raw and beautiful rhythm+adventure-craving instincts ingrained in our DNA that have been subverted since childhood in our sterile western cultures and our collective energy projects everyone to unparalleled heights of happiness for hours on end!

You will smile genuinely, you will make instant friends, you will lose yourself in the music and find yourself in situations so novel and thrilling that you will never forget them. The DDP is a revolutionary new type of open-source public performance art and something that truly has to be experienced to be believed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Fifth Ever Decentralized Dance Party Video

Suffered from Youtube's insufferable 10-minute time limit.
But a lengthier Vimeo version featuring considerably more character is soon to be released!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Briefly Considered Running A Gypsy Cab For New Year's

As apparently you can earn like $1000 in six hours.
But duty called, and Tom and I resolved that we'd just have to make it a $1000 night.
And man oh man, was it ever.
Without a doubt, the best Decentralized Dance Party to date.

No time to go into details unfortunately, as I'm currently working around the clock editing the video... She's going to be something really special.

Monday, January 4, 2010