Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Is Three Years Old Today,

And though she was barely utilized initially, recent efforts to post more frequently have garnered some favorable results...
Now receiving around 1,500 hits per day and even received the coveted "most-viewed" medallion recently.

Been really getting into the Youtube "Insight" feature lately too.. it's pretty neat and it can be pretty fun tracking your discoveries, hotspots, communities, etc. and applying this information to future traffic shaping...
A funny inadvertent example being this old video, which has received 10,000 "related" hits only by virtue of having a "prosthetic" tag... meaning a bunch of random people researching prosthetic limbs have been hoodwinked into watching my ridiculousness.. :)
And 33% of the viewers have inexplicably been from Austria...
Your guess is as good as mine!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And Something A Little Historic...

Gonzo Gone Bananas!

Now behold the true power of the Party Revolution!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Third Ever Decentralized Dance Party

Looked a little something like this...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Who's Gonna Fuckin' Record This?!?

I really love this style of filmmaking; just surrounding yourself with maniacs and rushing headlong into the wildest situations imaginable; dragging along a handycam and allowing the storyline to create itself as the night unfolds...
There are no lights, a boombox delivers your soundtrack, all dialogue is improvised and wardrobe consists of whatever hilarious garb was scavenged from the latest garage sales.

Raw and profane, most would surely dismiss this as artless; mere moronic misadventuring.
But I've long held that Partying is a medium/discipline with the potential for elevation to High Art.
And that my circle of friends possess unparalleled aptitude.
And that it must be documented at all costs.
In True Gonzo Style!