Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cold Chilling With E. Engstrom

for the past week, Erik Engstrom of HORSE the band fame has been visiting.
And we've been hard at work, deciding how exactly to utilize the 120+ hours of footage that I filmed during their "Earth Tour 2008", an unprecedented feat of bravery which saw us circumnavigating the globe and passing thru 45 countries in 90 days:

A suicide mission if ever there was one...
But we survived.
And you'll soon learn why HORSE the band is without peer

1 comment:

  1. This may have been a grueling process for the most part.....and you may have even felt like giving up....but remember, you are creating something very.....very special.

    This will be your greatest work to date.
    Your dedication and commitment to this project has been nothing short of remarkable.

    I really do love your work.
    oh, and ur balls.

